Auritech Intelligent Hearing Protection

Bonfire Night: Why You Should Wear Earplugs Watching Fireworks

Posted on 26 September 2024

Colourful fireworks on 5th November

Fireworks have long been a source of awe and wonder, captivating crowds with their vibrant colours and explosive displays. However, amongst the excitement, it's easy to overlook the potential harm that fireworks can inflict on our hearing.

Wearing earplugs while watching fireworks is an essential precaution that can protect your ears from irreversible damage.

Here's why you should consider wearing earplugs this Bonfire Night (Tuesday 5th November 2024):

1. Fireworks Are Louder Than You Think

Fireworks are designed to be loud, and their noise levels can easily reach up to 150 decibels (dB). To put this into perspective, a jet engine at takeoff is about 140 dB, and gunshot is about 150 dB. Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB can lead to hearing loss.

When fireworks explode, the sound can be sudden and intense, potentially causing immediate damage to your ears. 

The inner ear contains tiny hairs and nerve cells that play a crucial role in transmitting sound signals to the brain. These nerve cells are delicate and can be permanently damaged by excessive noise, leading to hearing loss or tinnitus—a persistent ringing in the ears.

Once these cells are damaged, they cannot regenerate, making the hearing loss permanent.

2. Children Are Especially Vulnerable

Children’s ears are even more sensitive to loud noises than those of adults. Because their auditory systems are still developing, they are more susceptible to noise-induced hearing damage.

Wearing earplugs is a simple and effective way to protect children’s hearing during fireworks displays. It ensures that they can enjoy the show without the risk of long-term damage, preserving their hearing for the future.

3. Proximity to the Fireworks Increases the Risk

The closer you are to the fireworks, the louder the sound. While many public displays are set up with safe viewing distances in mind, people often gather much closer to smaller, community-based or private fireworks. At these distances, the sound can be significantly more intense, increasing the risk of hearing damage.

Even if you’re watching fireworks from what seems like a safe distance, the cumulative effect of exposure to multiple loud bursts over the duration of the event can still be harmful.

Earplugs can help mitigate this risk by reducing the intensity of the sound that reaches your ears.

4. Preventing Long-Term Hearing Issues

Noise-induced hearing loss is cumulative, meaning that the damage builds up over time with repeated exposure to loud sounds. Even if you don't notice immediate hearing loss after a fireworks display, the damage could accumulate with each subsequent exposure.

Wearing earplugs during fireworks not only protects you from immediate hearing damage but also helps prevent long-term issues. It’s a proactive step in maintaining your hearing health and ensuring that you can continue to enjoy sounds, and future firework events for years to come.

5. Earplugs Are Affordable and Easy to Use

One of the best things about earplugs is that they are inexpensive and readily available. You don’t need specialised equipment to protect your hearing—basic foam or reusable silicone earplugs, like Auritech Universal Fit Earplugs are inexpensive and can be purchased easily online. They are also easy to carry and can be inserted quickly when the fireworks begin.

Auritech earplugs are designed with a unique specifically-tuned filter to block the damaging noise of different activities but still allow you to listen clearly to surrounding conversation without a muffled effect. So you can still join in the fun, chatting with friends and family whilst protecting your hearing.

We'd recommend using Auritech Shoot earplugs to protect against the noise of fireworks.